So many readers have been asking us to rate this product! Since it’s release, Premio Boom has racked up thousands of glowing customer reviews online, with users raving over it’s fantastic sound quality, ultra-long battery life and powerful max volume. It definitely got us interested, but we held back judgment until our resident expert tested the product in full. Well… now we have – and it’s worth the wait!
Here are the eye-popping test results:
Quick & Easy Setup
Premio Boom was founded by a team of tech entrepreneurs focused on creating cutting-edge technology that’s a piece of cake to use. And we have to admit – setup couldn’t have been simpler.
The device arrived within 3 days of ordering, and on first impressions – we were surprised by how easy it is to set up and get going. It pairs to any bluetooth device instantly, and we were blasting out our favorite tunes within 30 seconds! Designed to be easily used in any environment without hassle, you simply hold down the button to pair it with your phone, tablet or laptop. The connection is strong, too without any lag or dropouts at all
Amazing Sound Quality
The first thing we did was measure just how good Premio Boom’s sound quality was when playing different types of music. And were in for a treat. Here’s what we heard during testing.
✅ Amazing Clarity
We were bowled over at just how crisp and clear the audio quality is. The clarity was insane at all volume levels, picking up subtle sounds in our favorite tracks that would normally only be heard on a professional speaker system that plugs into a home hi-fi setup.
✅ Deep, Rich Bass
For such a compact, portable device, this thing sure does crank out the bass too! We were shocked at how its subwoofers managed to create punchy, thundering bass you could feel in your bones when you turned the volume right up.
✅ 360° Surround Sound
Because of its clever design, it doesn’t matter where you place this speaker – it pumps out crystal clear music in every direction, making it extremely versatile for social gatherings and parties.
In short, we were stunned by just how good the sound quality on this small device is. But the best was yet to come…
Loud, Powerful Volume
Next we cranked up the volume to see just what Premio Boom is capable of, and were amazed at just how much power it packs in such a compact speaker. We tested it in various scenarios to see how it handled each one at different levels.
✅ Living Room
At low volume the speaker remains crystal clear without muffling, which is perfect for if you want to relax, study or have a few friends come round. At maximum volume, the sound remains extraordinarily clear, but you’re probably not going to want to set it at this level unless your living room is huge and you live in a detached house – as this gets loud enough for neighbors a block away to hear. Use with caution!
✅ Backyard
Premio Boom is ideal for backyards of all sizes, packing enough power to provide entertainment for any social gathering or barbecue. Max volume outdoors is extremely loud, so you can really get things rocking if you turn it all the way up, as long as your neighbors don’t mind!
✅ Beach
For a speaker to get loud in a wide open space with the sound of the ocean beside it – it really needs to pull something special out of the bag, and that’s exactly what Premio Boom did. This could get a beach party popping off all by itself. We were able to hear the music over 100 meters away!
All that power is useless if the battery can’t keep pace though. But after extensive testing – Premio Boom had nothing to worry about in that department. Here’s why…
Ultra-Long Battery Life
Even at max volume, Premio Boom was able to last more than 8 hours of continuous playback, which is better than any other portable device of its kind we’ve seen. And if you don’t need all that power (which you usually won’t), it will last for many hours more. It charges to full via USB in just two hours, which gives you enough juice to get you through a whole day and night of tunes. And you can quickly charge it with any power bank while on the go too, so it’s perfect for any camping trip or short break.
And because it’s so compact and portable, it’s ideal for taking away with you. Especially when you take its durability into account.
Durable In All Conditions
Built with premium hardened polymers with fantastic sealing and with decent cushioning for the internal components, Premio Boom held up well in all conditions we tested it in – making it a great addition to any trip regardless of how tough it gets. Here’s what we found..
✅ Waterproof
With full IPx waterproofing, Premio Boom holds up in all weather – even torrential rain. So you don’t need to worry about taking this down to the beach or accidentally leaving it outside on an evening. It will take it all in its stride!
✅ Dustproof
Even though this blasts out the tunes, they did a fantastic job of sealing all the important parts from external debris, which is another reason why this device is so versatile. Sand, dust and grit pose no problem for Premio Boom, which makes it so easy to take anywhere.
✅ Shockproof
If you’re prone to dropping things or like to run, cycle or motorbike over rough terrain, then Premio Boom’s shock-proofing is another welcome addition to its durability ratings. Its shockproof design is built to withstand scrapes, knocks and drops, so the tunes keep on playing no matter how hard you push it.
Latest Bluetooth Technology & Features
Using the very latest BT5.0 technology, Premio Boom was able to pair at lightning speeds with all our devices, and the connection strength was among the best we’ve seen. We never experienced dropouts or lag within range of our device – and the range was extraordinary! You can operate this speaker at quite a distance, which is ideal for when you’re outdoors and want to keep the tunes pumping wherever you are.
And if you don’t fancy using your phone to control your speaker – then Premio Booms new features let you operate it using just your voice – making it completely hands free, and letting you skip tracks or adjust the volume without any further input. And because it includes a high quality built-in microphone, you can even answer phone calls with your voice alone – giving you an easy way to chat to all your friends and family.
Glowing Reviews
In addition to extensive testing, we asked the opinion of our readers to gauge their thoughts on the product.
Here’s what they had to say:
This is EXACTLY what I needed. You have no idea how many portable speakers have let me down before, either with weak battery or weak power. This is neither – it goes LOUD and the battery lasts the whole day! Can’t ask for more.
Stacey G, Florida
Wow, I didn’t expect it to sound this good! I work in a store that sells expensive hi-fi equipment, and most people would never be able to tell the difference between this speaker and high-end ones. They’ve built an amazing speaker – especially as it’s portable!
David C, Oregon
I was constantly let down by weak portable speakers before, but this has been a godsend! Audio quality is great and I can’t believe just how powerful it is. Bass is incredible and the top volume is insane.
Morgan F, New Jersey
24/7 Customer Support
Premio Boom offers round the clock customer service for all customers, which is above and beyond what most companies are able to deliver. In addition, they have a cast iron money back guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied, you can send the speaker back within 30 days for a full, no-fuss refund. We really value service like this for our readers.
Fantastic Value
Considering just how much of a difference Premio Boom makes compared to other bluetooth speakers, the price is an absolute steal. It’s incredibly affordable for something that did such a good job .
No other bluetooth speaker we tested was able to match Premio Boom on audio quality, battery life, power… or price! In our opinion, this is a no brainer, and a key reason why Premio Boom gets our top marks.
Where To Buy
Currently Premio Boom is running a massive 50% discount on their website, which has resulted in an incredible rise in demand.
To take advantage of their special offer while stock is still available, visit their official website to get one now, and enjoy blasting out your favorite songs whenever and wherever you like.